Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


We Did It Joe!

We Did It Joe!

In 2020 I had vision, but it was not 20/20.

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For a lot of people this year has been difficult to navigate. This year gave me a clear look into what I was lacking, but also blurred the lines that should have been clear in most areas of my life.

I lost friends (this seems to be a regular occurrence in my life at this point). I gained a few dope chicks (my BWC’s plus some more) that hopefully know that they are now stuck with me forever. Life is about balance, right?


I won’t get deep & express how goals should have been obtained & how we should have all been getting to the bag because this year if all you did was make it then that’s more than enough.

2020 has been eye opening & forced me to extend grace in places where I wouldn’t necessarily be as lenient. This year I granted myself the grace needed to really understand that it was okay if I didn’t lose those 100 pounds… (I’m still a baddie & baddie is me).

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I had to tell myself that it was okay that I didn’t save the 5 figures as planned & it was okay that I’m still single & my mama doesn’t have her grandkids… YET!

The fact that God has allowed me to see today & prayerfully when I wake up in the morning, I will have another year to try again is enough! I’ve made some major mistakes this year…like major, but I was also able to reach goals that allowed me to see that even in my mistakes God has not taken his hand off of my life.

In this New Year I want to encourage us all to celebrate the small wins, love one another, & do what makes us happiest. 2020 has shown us in various ways just how unpredictable things can be. It has shown us that no matter how much we plan for things they will NOT always go the way that we anticipated. We should have all learned to just love wholeheartedly & cherish moments both big & small.

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Going into 2021 I want to expand this blog, grow my social media presence, & just engage more when it comes to my writing. My personal goals are a bit more sacred but as I reach them I will keep you guys posted! I have some great things in store for not only me, but also those who sip with me regularly! I am so excited for God’s plan & placement in my life.

2021 come in here & sit down somewhere, okay!?

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In all ways & In all things,

Let go & Let Love


Single Black Female: Valentine's Edition

Single Black Female: Valentine's Edition

Carpe Diem: Do That Shit Anyway!

Carpe Diem: Do That Shit Anyway!