Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


Carpe Diem: Do That Shit Anyway!

Carpe Diem: Do That Shit Anyway!

There was once a time in my life where I envisioned all the things that I am doing now in this single season with someone that I loved. I learned shortly after that relationship ended that I needed to seize the day. That I needed to go after what I wanted to explore with or without a partner by my side. Waiting on someone else to co-sign… waiting on the “right one”… waiting on “Mr. Right” would ultimately cause me to miss out on the things that bring me the most joy & we ain’t having that!

As a teenager and throughout most of my 20’s I daydreamed constantly about all the things I would do with my “man.” I fantasized about the trips we would take, the holidays we would spend together, the couple goals that we would be… because of my love for love I had this idea of a life for myself that I needed to seek. This sought after idea caused me to miss so many chances & opportunities because I just did not want to do these things solo. It wasn’t until I sat back & saw how happy those closest to me were just doing things on their own & living for them & only them that I began to wake up from the idea of that daydream I kept recycling.

I recently traveled to Mexico for a girls trip & the beginning of the trip was an emotional ride for me. Not because I missed home… not because I wasn’t happy to be there, but because I felt like I was really living another life. I felt like I was doing & involved in something that I was not supposed to be experiencing alone. I quickly had to remind myself who I was & how I was literally in this beautiful place. I needed to enjoy the hell out of it.

Last year, I made a vow to myself, within my own reason, that I would try almost anything once as long as I felt like it would not kill me. This vow led to a ski trip in Canada (shit was rough) & white water rafting (which was AMAZING btw!). This year I wanted to continue with that mindset & had some good stuff planned, but Ms. ‘Rona told me to sit my ass down, so I chilled most of the year like half of the world lol.

This trip, though, came at a time when I needed it most. I truly felt trapped in a lot of ways & taking the time to decompress was NEEDED. I honestly thought that this trip would be real boozy & super chill, but it was absolutely an adventure. We decided to visit a Mexican jungle & ride ATV’s, zipline, & jump/swim in cenotes. Let’s just say that jumping into a man-made hole that is 100 feet deep was the highlight of my year. Just being able to provide this type of experience for myself put me in a headspace that I really plan to stay in for the rest of my life….

Do what you want when you want. Never wait on a chance to seize the moment. If it scares you a little bit then go for it! You miss 100% of the chances that you don’t take. Always follow your heart & always create happiness for YOU. Never wait on the life you want, create the life you want!

Let go & Let Love


We Did It Joe!

We Did It Joe!

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Crazy Little Thing Called Love