Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


Inhale. Exhale. Repeat...

Inhale. Exhale. Repeat...

Lately I have been finding myself stuck in this weekend routine that has me not living my life for real. We are taught to work 5 days a week then use most weekends to do the things we can’t accomplish during the week due to working or simply being run down because of it.

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This past weekend, for a few hours I didn’t feel my best. Even though I was not feeling well there was still something in me that said I needed to push through so that I could run my errands & prepare for a new week. I allotted myself an hour of rest then the plan was to be up & out to maximize the rest of my day. An hour turned into 2 hours of napping which then turned into me deciding I didn’t feel like it so I didn’t…

The thought process was, I will do that tomorrow. I still have a day left before the weekend is over. Sunday comes & I still just don’t want to… I had taken out food to meal prep for the week. I had everything ready so that I could prepare for the next day which was Monday. Then it hit me. I don’t have to do this shit…!

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I sat out on my balcony, smoked my hookah, read a book, & had a drink. I decided in that moment that I don’t have to let my weekends continue to waste away because I am preparing for a week that hasn’t even started yet. I decided that I would not make myself clean, cook, or do anything else that would take the enjoyment out of what should be my time of rest.

We often forget that we need rest. We get so caught up in always trying to be prepared & always rushing that we don’t just stop & enjoy moments that we will never get back. Being prepared is great, but what happens when our desire for preparedness outweighs our desires to enjoy life & appreciate the calm?

I saw a meme the other day & it truly reminded me that I don’t want to be the 80 or 90 year old looking back on life & not having moments that meant anything. I don’t want to look back & realize that because I was too busy getting ready for the next thing that I couldn’t enjoy the present happenings.

I am all for getting ready for next levels & progression, but I am also an advocate for just sitting the hell down & enjoying whatever moment I am currently in. What we strive for is always going to be there if it is meant for us. I believe that what we want from life will be waiting regardless of if we take 1 year or 7.

Our minds are so wired to stay ready so we don’t have to get ready, but what if… what if the meaning of all we wish to achieve came from all we missed while always pushing for preparedness?

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As this week comes to a close & we go into the weekend I urge whoever is reading, to not… If you don’t want to or feel like it, then don’t. Don’t push yourself into a routine that doesn’t serve your well-being. I say this all the time…

You cannot be good to other people, if you simply cannot be good to yourself.

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In all ways & in all things,

Let go & Let Love


I’m Exhausted From Trying To Be Stronger Than I Feel...

I’m Exhausted From Trying To Be Stronger Than I Feel...

No Oops!... I Did It Again

No Oops!... I Did It Again