Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


If They Wanted To... They Would: A short

If They Wanted To... They Would: A short

In this solo journey, I found that I use to make excuses & downplay my role in the lives of those that I encounter simply because I didn’t want the expectation of the situation to seem like more than what it was. I now see how this was an attempt to save face & compensate for the lackluster effort & consistency that I was getting often. 

I would say things like “Oh he is busy, that is why I haven’t heard from him all day.” Or “I know he has a lot going on in his life I don’t want to bother him.” When in actuality I was just in DENIAL!

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Denial that I really wasn’t what he (whoever he is in this situation) wanted to be with or be around. Men have a really good way of beating around the bush & as a woman I know that we have the tendency to hold their hands while they take us around with their asses. 

It’s simple. If a man wanted to… HE WOULD! The subtle hints, the sideways shade to comments, the memes mean nothing to a man who simply does not want to.

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I doubled backed on a man or 2 in the last year because I just couldn’t get over the fact that we weren’t a thing…only to realize that we aren’t a thing because of me, but because they just weren’t feeling it & there was not a thing that I could do to change that. 

In dating these days, it’s clear that men are looking out for themselves & we as women need to do the same. Guarding our hearts, finding ourselves, & flowing not forcing are the keys to success when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex. 

All the talking, nagging, or fussing, as they call it, is unnecessary toward a man who isn’t meant to hear you or understand you. The man who wants to listen to understand & not just respond is out there. Where, IDK, but he exists… 

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The math is simple: the man that wants to will & the man that doesn’t want to won’t…! The hardest pill that I have had to swallow after crashing & burning from doubling back is that no matter how much I believe that scenario I’ve formulated in my head. The shit is not true & I can’t convince an unkept man to be kept when he isn't in that business. 

When you find someone who is not meeting the standard & expectation of action in your life always remember..

If they wanted to, they would.. PERIOD!

In all ways & In all things, 

Let Go & Let Love


No Oops!... I Did It Again

No Oops!... I Did It Again

Believe it & You Can Achieve It... Right?

Believe it & You Can Achieve It... Right?