Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


Believe it & You Can Achieve It... Right?

Believe it & You Can Achieve It... Right?

I’ve realized why I can’t commit… I realize why there’s never any real follow through with the things that I say that I want to accomplish. I decided at the beginning of the year my word for 2021 would be execution. This word was just something that I threw out there on a whim, but now I’m realizing that that really is something that I need to live by…

Since the start of my blog Aug 2018, I have been saying that I want to take this writing thing seriously. I have been saying that I want to grow my blog, grow my audience, engage in more things & get my voice heard. But besides a post every few weeks or every few months I haven’t done anything too advance the span of my words. That ends this year though! 

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I have these wild ass dreams about the things that I want to do… about the things that I want to exude… about how I want to make others feel when they see, hear, or read something that I’ve created or been apart of, but how long can I dream it & not believe it?

I have been so afraid of what happens if/when my writing becomes a cultural staple (I’M CLAIMING IT!). I have stifled my creative flow & cheated myself constantly due to the fear of the unknown. Fear steals so many moments & opportunities in my life & I can’t be held hostage any longer. 

I came to the realization that I don’t even believe the things that I affirm & speak over my life sometimes . I don’t believe that good things happen for people like me. In this moment of reflection, I learned how easy it is to get lost in the act of speaking but not believing. I used to always say that “if I say it enough then I will start to believe it” & that mantra is the reason I’ve been STUCK!

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The questions in the back of my mind are always, “what have I done to deserve anything that I ask for?” “ Am I built to even withstand the greatness that I see for myself?” These are what bring the disbelief for me. I see the people around me getting the things that they pray for. Getting what they want & I am always thinking why is this not happening for me? Why am I not deemed worthy of a slither of what I think I should have?

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I found the answer to be because I don’t even have the confidence in myself to think I am worthy enough. I am the best cheerleader, encourager, & coach when it comes to the people in my life, but I can not seem to be that for myself. 

This thought came out of the blue, but it all rings true. I have got to turn my thought process around & really go for what I know that I want & can attain if I just try, focus, & truly believe what it is I am saying about myself & my desires. 

If I can’t believe in me then how can I expect others to extend that courtesy to my life & my work…? 2021 will be the year that I believe I can & will do everything that I dream. Stay tuned for all the greatness because with a new mindset, I know that it is on the way!

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In All Ways & In All Things, 

Let Go & Let Love 


If They Wanted To... They Would: A short

If They Wanted To... They Would: A short

To Love or Not to Love...?

To Love or Not to Love...?