Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


The Day I Met Her...

The Day I Met Her...

As we lay there, he told me he’d always love me. He told me that no matter the circumstance, our relationship would always be his priority. In that moment, I believed him. He gave me no other reason to think otherwise. 

He moved to Atlanta back in May to expand his architecture firm, and since then we have been seeing each other exclusively. 

Jaden was everything I prayed for in a man. We’d met on a dating site and there was a connection immediately after our first encounter. That was a blissful six months ago. Since then we have taken two trips, spent Fourth of July together, and celebrated my 30th birthday. My friends that had met him loved him and we were about to cross the ‘meet the parents’ line during this holiday season. We were moving fast but it all felt natural, so we went with it. 

Jaden kept a low profile. He was on Insta, but rarely posted. He only made one to lurk is what I think. Nothing about this man made any sense. A man this fine should not have been single. A man this fine should have at least two baby mamas by now. This man had no attachments and I knew that I had hit the jackpot.

One November night, before Thanksgiving, my best friend, who recently moved back home, decided to host Friendsgiving at her new townhome, this would be her first-time meeting Jaden and I was too hype. 

“Taylor” Jaden yelled from my bathroom the morning of. 

“Yes babe?” I responded. 

“I don’t think I can make Friendsgiving tonight. Work always gets heavy around this time of the year and I want to do as much as possible before our Christmas trip” he groaned. 

“Awww man, I really wanted you to meet Jazlyn! You guys hitting it off would mean the world to me!”

“I’ll try my best to finish up by 9 so I can make dessert baby.”

I smiled at the effort in his comment and continued getting dressed for work. 

As I walked into the office, I was on cloud nine and smiling from ear to ear. I made it to my desk logged in and began working on the day’s tasks hoping time would fly by because even though I was physically present, mentally I was envisioning my man by my side as we enjoyed Friendsgiving with my chosen family. 

By lunch I was in a groove and didn’t notice Peyton walk over and sit next to me.

“Earth to Taylor” P snapped.

“Oh hey, P!” I yelled startled.

“You ready for tonight? I can’t wait for Jaden to meet Jaz. She will love him!” She exclaimed.

“I really hope so; she doesn’t like anyone. So, I haven’t even told her that I invited him.”

“Just relax. Once she sees y’all together, she will see the spark like I did. Enough of that! I’m ready to eat & lunch is on you today!”

I laughed as we walked to her car and headed out.

After we made it back from lunch, the remainder of the day flew by and before I knew it, it was 5 o’clock. 

As I packed up to head out, I shot Jaden a text saying I could not wait to see him later on that night.

Once I got home, I changed clothes, turned on my Quiet Storm radio and began to prepare my dish for tonight’s gathering. When everything had come out of the oven, I went to my closet to find something cute and comfy. Jaden loved when I dressed down. 

I showered, threw on my ripped jeans and cardigan, sprayed my favorite perfume Carolina Herrera Good Girl, grabbed the food, and headed over to Jazlyn’s new place for the night. I had not heard from Jay, but I figured he was hard at work so he couldn’t text back, so I just let it go.  

“Party over here” I hollered as I walked through the door of my bestie’s new home.

This place definitely fit her personality and I loved the way she decorated for the occasion and beyond 

“Best friend! Look at you and this glow you got!” She shrieked as she pulled me in for an embrace almost knocking me and my bomb Mac and cheese to the ground. 

She knew of Jaden, but never formally met him, so tonight’s meeting would be a total surprise for her, and I was elated.

“Oh. My. Goodness! This place is amazing! Girl you completely outdid yourself!” 

“Thanks boo, I knew that if I moved back to Atlanta, I would have to find a place that I could grow into and love and this place is absolutely it.”

“Oh, yes indeed.” I said. Nodding in agreement.

“Put the food on the island and let me show you around before everyone gets here”

I complied and we were on our way around the house. 

As my tour came to an end, the doorbell rang indicating that other guests had arrived. I stayed back to check my phone, noticing that there still wasn’t a response to my text, call or smoke signal from Jaden. I decided against double texting, knowing how much he hated it and headed downstairs to greet all of our other friends. 

Dinner was in full swing by 9 and everyone had plenty of drinks to help wind them down from the work day that we had all just come off of a few hours ago. 

I pulled Jaz into the kitchen to surprise her and tell her that Jaden was coming tonight for dessert. She was going to finally meet the man who had been keeping me happy since she had been gone these past few months. 

“I have a surprise for you.” I sang.

“Chile, you know I hate surprises, what is it? Tell me now and I’ll act surprised when it arrives.” She laughed.

“I invited Jay over to meet you and the rest of the crew tonight.”

“Girl what?! Why didn’t you tell me he was coming? I would have made him bring a dish. Shoot ain’t nobody eating free on my dime boo,” she said seriously.

All I could do was laugh because I knew her, I knew she was dead serious. Just as I was about to interject and tell her to calm down, I felt my phone buzz.

Babe, I’m so sorry I can’t make it tonight. Duty calls and because I’m the boss I gotta answer. His text read.

I hung my head a little lower then replied: 

I wanted you to meet the rest of the girls and Jaz, but I get it. Come over when you’re finished, and I can show you what the liquor got me feeling like doing. 

I locked my phone and tried to fix my mind and ears back to what was being said, but my focus was on everyone else being boo’d up tonight but me. 

“There’s nothing you can do but smile and push through. He’s working crazy. Be happy you finally got a man with a career and benefits.” I said to myself.

I sighed as I headed out of the kitchen to sit between Peyton and her man Marcus. Yeah. I was blocking, so what?

We were knee deep in a game of Jenga when Jaz slipped away to take a call. I followed her to the kitchen as she was hanging up the phone. 

“Um, who was that?” I probed.

“You will see in about 15 minutes” she said.

“Jazlyn Marie Sandtown!” I sung. 

“Are we keeping secrets now?” I asked. 

“I should be asking you the same thing! Don’t think I didn’t notice you looking at your phone all night and your face drop when you got a text earlier” she said in a snarky tone before trying to snatch my phone.

“Okay, Okay! It was Jaden. He told me he couldn’t make it and it got me all in my feelings.” I said sadly. 

“Chile, I thought your mama was in the hospital or something the way you’re over there looking pitiful.” She said as she rolled her eyes.

“Fool.” I said mushing her in the face and walking back to where our friends were gathered, now playing Taboo. 

Just as I was sitting down, the doorbell rang. 

“I got it, Jaz!” I yelled happily, headed to the door prepared to greet Jaden.

I swung the door open anticipating my man surprising me by showing up. I was ready to flood his face with kisses before anyone noticed how long I had been gone, but instead I was met with Jaden, hugging from behind, a woman I had never seen before. 

As I stood there frozen, Jaz walks up and screams in excitement. 

“Kels! I’m so happy you guys made it!” She exclaimed. “Come in!”

I stood there, still stunned from what I saw in front of me, stiff and unable to move until I heard Jaz start with the introductions. I was curious to know who this mystery woman was and why she was hugged up on my man.

“Tay-Tay, this is Kelsey from Cali. She held me down while I was so far from home all those months. Kelsey, this is Taylor, my best friend since childhood! I’m so happy you guys get to finally meet!” She squealed.

There was an awkward pause before Jazlyn continued her introductions. 

“Oh, my bad, this is Jordan, Kelsey’s husband!” She said still excited about introducing them.

“Jordan, this is Taylor, my best friend!” She described as he reached out, with pleading eyes, to shake my hand. 

“Hi Jad-I mean Jordan, it’s nice to meet you.” I managed to get out before I walked away with tears threatening to stain my shirt…


“Tay, you good girl, why did you just walk away like that? Jaz asked as she followed me into her room after inviting them in.

She was completely oblivious of the tears streaming down my face until I turned around with bloodshot eyes.

“Taylor are you crying? What the hell is happening right now? Are you okay?” A puzzled Jazlyn asked. 

“No, I’m not okay. I have to get the hell out of here before I flip my shit.” I said to myself not really acknowledging my confused ass best friend.

“Jaz, THAT IS JADEN! My Jaden or Jordan, whatever you want to call him! The one I couldn’t wait for you to meet, but I now know you know better than I thought. I cannot believe him. I CANNOT BELIEVE HIM! What the fuck? Did I miss the signs? Am I really this dumb? Be cool Taylor, be cool.” I rambled. 

Still confused, Jazlyn asked “Taylor what are you talking about? Who is Jaden? Huh? Please fill me in”

“Your friend Kelsey’s damn husband is my boyfriend! The one I’ve been telling you about. The one I’ve been so excited for you to meet? The surprise I had for you tonight! Little did I know I would be the one getting the surprise,” I stated with tears threatening to fall again at my confession.

“Wait, wait, what the hell did you just say? I’m certain I didn’t hear you correctly”

“Nah, you heard right. I have been fucking & sucking on that man for the past six months. YOU  HEARD ME RIGHT!”

“Okay, Taylor breathe. You can’t go out there and show your ass.”

“I wouldn’t do that and ruin the party Jaz. I am going to head out if that’s cool. I don’t need any more surprises and I need to process.”

“Tay you can’t run from this though. I know you were falling hard for him and I am so sorry boo, I promise you I had no idea” she calmly said as she rubbed my back.

“I know, I know. I will deal with it when I can think straight. Until then I am on my way to my bed & a bottle of wine because if I go back out there you will have to bail me out and neither of us want that.” I said

“Well shit you know I’m ride or die for you, it ain’t no problem”  She laughed trying to lighten the mood. 

I slightly chucked, “I’ll let you know when I make it home. I’ll be back over in the morning to help you clean and maybe you can help me process this shit…” 

I walked out of the room toward the front door not saying goodbyes to anyone. As soon as I got to the other side of the door, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding in. 


“What the heck? Where did Taylor go? Was that dramatic bitch crying? Why the hell is her man over there with some chick that ain’t her” 

Peyton asked in a hushed tone as she walked over to Jazlyn holding up her glass for a refill. 

“P, you aren’t going to believe this, but who I know as a married ass Jordan is the guy Tay has been dating. The man that you guys know as Jaden and the woman that he is with is my friend Kelsey from Cali who happens to be his damn wife! Jaz whispered. 

“Bitch shut the hell up! Are you serious! See nah. We ‘bout to fight! There is no way! How did we not know he was married? I’m about to beat the black off his ass!” Peyton exclaimed as she paced the kitchen floor. 

“Girl calm down! You and I both know your ass can’t fight and on top of all that I don’t want to make a scene, I truly do not think Kelsey knows. This isn’t the time or the place, but trust he will get his. This is crazy!” Jazlyn said as she put on her best fake smile and walked back into the party. 


I cannot believe I have been getting played. I was falling in love with this man and he has a whole ass wife. How could I not see this? Were there any signs? Shit no there weren’t! He was perfect to me. I couldn’t have seen this coming. OMG!

My thoughts ran rampant as I tried to process what was going on. I was still outside of Jazlyn’s house sitting in my car trying to get myself together before I made the short 10 minute drive back to my place when my phone buzzed. 

I looked down and there in my face was my reality that I wished was a dream. A text from Jaden/Jordan whoever the hell he was. 


We have to talk I promise I can explain. Please don’t be mad. Shit is not what it seems, just give me a few days. I promise I will get this all straight. 


… nothing to talk about. I promise you I am super straight. Enjoy your evening & please, please forget you even know me. 

I typed before I went to his contact information and social media and deleted it all. 

Give him a few days? Who the fuck does he think I am? He can kiss my ass” I said out loud to no one as I got the strength to start my car and head home.


The next few days went by in a blur. I am thankful for my job giving us the whole week off for the Thanksgiving holiday because I don’t think I would have been able to function.

It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, it had been about four days since I saw or even heard from Jaden and honestly I was thankful for the space and time to process my life currently being in shambles. 

I was sitting on the couch binging “Dear White People” when I heard a light knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone so I walked to the door with caution and looked out of the peephole. Of course I was surprised as hell when I saw that Kelsey had paid me a visit. 

I opened the door with the meanest mug on my face prepared for a war of words. 

“Hey, Taylor, I know I’m the last person you expect at your door before the holiday” Kelsey said as she pulled her jacket tighter around her waist. 

In my mind I’m like ‘yeah bitch freeze,’ but that isn’t me so I moved to the side and asked her to step in so that she could get whatever she had to say out and be on her way. 

I opened my mouth to speak and before I could she began.

“Listen, I’ve known about you since you & Jordan met. He really does love you. It’s just…” 

“Just what? Y’all ain’t swingers are y’all? Or have that open relationship shit going on because I ain’t with it. I’ll be damned if I’m a sister wife.”

“No, please hear me out.” She continued. “Jordan, well Jaden as you know him, and I haven’t been together for a while. We haven’t officially divorced either because well our families would flip, but I’ve been doing my thing back home in Cali & clearly he’s been doing his thing here with you. Both of our parents live here, so we decided to come back together one last time and tell them that we are over. I can’t keep living a lie. The only reason Jaz thought we were still married was because I still wear my ring and don’t let on otherwise just in case, you know?” 

No bitch, I don’t know, I thought as I sat down. All of a sudden nothing I thought I knew or felt made sense. I’m sure Jaden had tried to reach out but he had been blocked on everything because I was not trying to hear the lies, but clearly I needed to get both sides of the story. 

“I appreciate you trying to get everything straight, but this is all too much to handle right now.” I said in a low voice.

“I know and I appreciate you even letting me in to talk to you and I truly hope you hear what Jay has to say. Even though we didn’t work, he is really a good man. Please give him a chance to explain. I don’t want your happily ever after ruined because of me and my deceit.” 

“Thank you for coming Kelsey. I’ll give him a call later.” I said I as I walked over to the door and held it open for her to make her exit. 

After she was gone, I picked up my phone attempting to dial Jaden’s number, but I just couldn’t do it. He had six months to come clean. Six months to just be honest and he didn’t. Could I really forgive him? Could he really be my happily ever after? Did I want to even deal with him while he went through the divorce process?

I was thinking too fast and needed my voice of reason. I checked Jazlyn’s location and saw she was home so I threw on my UGGs and grabbed my coat from the closet near the door and headed to see the one person who could talk me off this ledge. 


I sat in my car for a few minutes before I could muster to strength to get out & head into Jazlyn’s house. Before I could even ring the doorbell, Jaz flung the door open and pulled me in for an embrace. Once I was in my best friends arms, I lost it. The tears came full force and there was no end in sight.

I walked into her living room with my head low and sat on the couch. Jaz walked in shortly after me holding a wine glass I’m sure was filled with my favorite drink, sweet tea. She handed me the glass and no words had to be said. I leaned into Jazlyn’s embrace drenching her hoodie with my tears.

“Tay, look at me, this is not your fault and I truly hope you don’t feel that it is! You had no way of knowing that he was trash. You had no clue that any of this was going on. YOU BETTER NOT BLAME YOURSELF!” She exclaimed.

“I know J, I know. I’m still processing. Kelsey came by my house right before I came over here. She explained, well tried to explain this shit, but I don’t know. I want so badly to talk to Jaden, but I want to have a clear head.” I sighed.

“I don’t even know if he has tried to reach out. I have him blocked on everything. I needed time. Ya, know?”

Jaz blew out a breath, “Yeah, I get it. He’s been blowing my phone up and so has Kelsey. She feels horrible about how all of this is playing out. About how because of her living for other people she may have ruined a good thing for Jaden/Jordan, whatever his name is.” She laughed.

Just as she was about to embrace me again, her phone rung. I looked across the couch and saw that it was Jaden calling. She looked at me with sympathy in her eyes then asked, “Should I answer?”

“Yeah, go ahead”

“Hello. What’s up? Tay is here with me, you’re on speaker” she blurted out.

“Taylor” He called out.

“Hey Jaden” I say in a low tone.

“Baby can we please talk? Where are you? I need to see you. I’m so sorry. Please believe me when I say I did not mean to hurt you.” He rushed out without catching his breath. Probably afraid I was going to hang up on him.

“I’m at Jaz’s house. If you want to talk you can pull up. I’ll be here all--.”

Before I could even finish my sentence fully Jaden blurted out, “I’m on my way.”


An hour later, I was nice and cozy when the doorbell chimed.

“I got it!” I yelled to Jaz who was in the kitchen making my favorite comfort foods.

I walked to the door excited to see my man, or at least who I thought was my man, but also sad that we were in the place that we were.

“You can do this Taylor, just snatch the Band-Aid off and get this over with.” Not sure if my pep talked work, but I reached for the knob and opened the door. Taking in the man that I had grown to love.

Jaden stood there in his Nike tracksuit looking casual and delicious. I almost forgave him off the strength of that alone. He looked at me and smiled, knowing that was my weakness. I couldn’t help but to smile back.

“Hey you. God, I’ve missed your beautiful face so much,” he beamed.

“Don’t do that. Not now.” I sigh.

I stepped aside so that he could come in. We headed to the living room, where I saw that Jazlyn had left some food and some more sweet tea for me to drown my sorrows during this conversation. We sat. We looked. Here we were breathing the same air again. Being around him felt so foreign, but so familiar. It has only been a week, but I missed him so much.

“I don’t even know where to start. This is all a mess. I admit that I should have been upfront from the beginning. In my defense, I had no intention of falling in love. You were a prayer answered and I didn’t want to mess up a good thing when I knew what Kelsey and I had were over.”

I began to fidget at the sound of another woman’s name on my man’s lips.

“I didn’t want you to find out like this. Hell, if I’m being honest I don’t know if I wanted you to find out at all. My past isn’t something I am proud of and I only wanted you to know the best parts of me because that is what you deserve. Taylor baby, please forgive me. I promise to make this right. I have already cleared my schedule next week to take care of all of this. My past and my future should have never crossed this way. I’m so sorry.”

He finally stopped talking so I could get a word in. Here goes I thought.

“I appreciate your coming here to talk to me, but unfortunately it’s a little too late. You had six months to tell me all of this. Six months to be upfront. Six months for US to figure this out and a decision was made for YOU. Nowhere in the equation was I in mind. If I were none of this would be happening and WE (I say pointing between the both of us) would not be in this situation.

I love you believe me when I say I do, but in this moment I think that we just need to chill. I can’t get back my time, I can’t ignore the rush of memories that come when I think of you, I can’t help the stupid smile that beams when I even hear your name or am around anything that reminds me of you. You broke us. I didn’t. This is something I can’t do with you.”

Hearing that come from me shocked my damn self. When Jaden said that he would be coming over I was fully prepared to take him back. I felt relief. I felt better. I felt a small weight lifted because I trusted what I had just told him. I trusted that I would be just fine.

That decision was for me. I chose me finally.

As I finished my statement, Jaz walked down the stairs towards us.

“I just came to check on you Tay, y’all good?” she asked.

“Nah, We aren’t, but we will be.” Jaden answered for us both as he got up to leave.

I grabbed my coat so that I could head out as well. I needed my bed. I needed to be in a place to soak up what I had left of Jaden until… I said my goodbyes to Jazlyn promising to be back later tonight to help bake for our families joint Thanksgiving dinner.

In true gentleman fashion, Jaden walked me to my car and opened the door. I got in and started the car. Once I was settled in, he asked me to let my window down. I obliged and looked up into the dark brown orbs staring back at me.

“Taylor, know this. This shit will be handled in the next couple of weeks so you better be ready when I call. Can you unblock me by the way?”

I know this is hard, but I also know that what we have is the real deal and I don’t want letting you slip away be my biggest regret. Sit tight sweet tart, if I can’t promise anything else, I can promise you that you’re my forever. I love you.”

“We love you too Jaden. Just make it right for me, for us” I say pointing to my belly.   

He blinks rapidly realizing what I just revealed “Taylor are you-“

“Yes, yes I am. I was going to tell everyone the night of Friendsgiving, but we both know how that went.” I slightly chuckle.

I put my car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. Leaving Jaden standing there stuck. Before I could make it to the end of the street my phone rings.

“Taylor! I know you. You told that man about the baby & left didn’t you?” Jaz half laughed half screamed into the phone.

I smirked “Yeah, I did Jaz. I felt good too! I love that man though. We are going to make it through this. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was at my door waiting once I make it home”

We both burst into laughter as we said in unison our favorite made up quote:

“The Petty ALWAYS Wins”



…but we were supposed to be JUST FRIENDS

…but we were supposed to be JUST FRIENDS