Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


Invisible Me...

Invisible Me...

I don’t know if there has ever been a time in my life where I’ve felt like I’ve been noticed, needed, wanted, or desired. I know that our worth is not determined by others, but it would definitely be nice to be chosen. To be the something that people want. For as long as I can remember I’ve always felt like a place holder. Like I was just a stand in until the main character came into play. The feeling of being undesirable is not a feeling I’d wish on anyone.

I often find myself in a room full of people and I still feel alone. I still feel like my existing in the space isn’t a thing. I feel overlooked, overshadowed, and invisible. What is it that I can do to make who I am be seen? What is it that I have to do to be picked out of a line up.. recognized and chosen? What is it that I have to do to take up space?

I’ve seen a person walk into a room and command attention. Not because they were the loudest. Not because they were the most attractive but because they just had “IT.” I have no desire to be like anyone else because I do believe that I am uniquely me, but I want to make noise without opening my mouth. I want to be seen without causing a scene. How I do that I have no clue...?

I want the room to be lit up by my smile. I want the crowd to part while I saunter. I want to be the glow in dimly lit spaces, places & times. Do I feel like I cannot be these things because of what the world tells me? Is my fade to the back mentality due to my elders telling me that “Little girls are to be seen not heard?” Why can’t I be either of those things while still being silent?

Command attention. Demand attention. Control attention. Be the very thing they told you you couldn’t be. Speak without words. Elevate without movement. Be so present in your essence that people can’t help but to stare. Your essence is powerful. You are being seen now more than ever. You are a beacon of light and love for all to admire. When you think no one is watching you or sees you, look up... you’ll be surprised at who’s staring back.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Edge Naturale Product Review!

Edge Naturale Product Review!