Florida born Georgia raised simple girl in a complicated world. God is love & love is light. choose to shine bright


Dear Little Me...

Dear Little Me...

Hey Girl,

Once you grow up, things will be different. The joy that you feel now oblivious to the world is going to come crashing down around you as you grow older. I wish you knew how bright and beautiful you are. I wish you could see inside yourself for the gifts you possess. There won’t be many answers as you get older & you will be forced to figure it all out on your own, but you will always get through it. Do the things that seem scary & dream really big. Don’t let the no’s from those around you stop you from going after what you know should be yours. You are beautiful, you are capable, you are magic & you are light and don’t ever dim that for anyone. Say no to the urge to make romance happen & allow for it to come to you freely and openly. I know that you will want to try to be better than what you see now growing up, but don’t fight so much to be different and fall into the same patterns you want so desperately not to repeat. Be aware & vocal of how you’re feeling & never stifle your voice. What you feel matters & what you want is important. Go to college & fight to finish. Move to that new state & make a life and name for yourself. Absolutely do not hide in the corners of your mind convincing yourself that you are less than your peers. Let what you know to be true be the things that you live by. Being impressionable isn’t cute. Be the leader you are called to be. Fight for your space in the room. Create a life that exudes beauty by only your standards. 

Never be afraid to say no. Protect your peace at all costs because not everyone deserves access to you. Try to never make the same mistakes twice & if you find that you do, make sure you’re learning a lesson each time until you get it right. Remember to never dull your sparkle for anyone who is blinded by your light. They will adjust or move out of the way. Simple. Your smile can stop hearts so always do that. Live in what you feel & never allow anyone to negate your emotions. What you feel is valid. What you feel matters. The right & wrong people will come in your life, it’s up to you who stays & who goes. Even as an adult you will never feel like you a have a place in certain situations. Learn to always leave when you feel uncomfortable or make a space that is all your own. You create that comfort! Root for yourself & never look to others for your happiness. Anything you feel that you need, you can look within first because it’s in you & it always will be. Your smile, your light, your path is all your own. Never give someone the power to dictate those things. Love. Love hard, but don’t be stupid. Do not ignore the signs or red flags. When people show you who they are, always believe them.

Don’t let the hurt caused stop you from loving & sharing your heart. The right ones will appreciate the hell out of who you are & the qualities that make you, you. Heartache is a part of life & it’s going to be hard to avoid it, but always remember that the moment you’re in is not the end & your heart will mend. Never forget that pain & strive as hard as you can to never relive it. Move logically & with practicality, but always lead with love. Your superpower is your heart & you owe it to yourself to share it with as many folks as you can because it truly makes you special.

As you grow, keep your heart & mind centered in God. The strength you pull from Him will serve as your guide even in your toughest times. Your smile lights up the world. Your eyes hold the keys to your heart always look at the beauty. One day you’re going to look back & think you’ve missed out, but honey in that moment you will realize that the best days of your life are ahead of you. The life you want to live is beautiful, the space you make for yourself will always be where you find comfort. Dream always. Love unconditionally, never compromise, & be free. If your dreams & goals don’t scare you, aim higher. There is no limit to what you can do. If you believe it, manifest it, claim it, & then go get it. Your purpose & passion may not be clear for a while, & that’s okay. Keep striving for the happy in your life & honestly the rest will follow. You got this. We got this. Keep shining your light.

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